Friday 29 June 2018

Shadow of the Tomb Raider Exclusive Preview

We were fortunate enough to watch some early in-game footage of the third installment of the Tomb Raider reboot series, which took us through the opening game-play. This panel was hosted by Crystal Dynamic’s very own Meagan Marie who flew in from America to attend the ICON Comics and Games Convention here in South Africa.

The audience was taken through the starting level of the game that introduces the player to the controls and puzzles. This immersive tutorial gets the ball rolling to start the story and adventure.

This game concludes how Lara Croft becomes the Tomb Raider. Here she’s more confident and capable. She shows off a more muscular physique with her defined arms and her short stature fits into a typical young female role.

The game architecture and style is inspired by ancient Mayan, Inca and Aztec designs, with the studio’s own fantasy twist which is classic to the Tomb Raider series. From the start you are immersed into this world and we can’t help but appreciate the attention to detail.

New mechanics are introduced or at least improved upon, such as how she swims and being able to run alongside walls. In earlier games, Lara could only swim at the water surface, now she can go below the surface and explore the depths. They’ve also introduced four game modes what can be changed throughout the game-play. From easy, showing clues and tips, to hard mode where you can figure it out yourself. The game is much more customizable to be played how you like.    

One of the new mechanics is the ability to stealth in certain areas near potential combat. Unlike previous games, if she is caught, she has the opportunity to re-establish stealth. This is done by covering herself in mud, blending in with foliage and other interactions, thus giving you more control over how you want the combat to take place.

The game promotes inquiring minds that can explore off the path to study ancient tests or inspect structures, which helps give the feel of an open world environment.

Lara has an assortment of new outfits that seem more practical for her adventures. They show her equipment and look more in tune with her line of work. They animated the hair really well which also reacts to the environment.
(Cosplayer Noelle Adams - tweet @pfangirl)

In this installment, Lara triggers a major event that causes innocent people to die, learning that there are consequences to her actions. She needs to find a way to make things right and in doing so, must decide what type of Tomb Raider she will become.

We look forward to following her in this defining adventure to see how it concludes.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider launches on September 14 and will be available on Xbox, Playstation and PC.

Reported by LadyProxee for Chomp Gear